I’m not sure why human beings have the audacity to feel that they are better than others. No matter what makes them feel this way the self proclaimed illusions of grandeur are narcissistic, ignorant, and contradictory at best. Why is there a major gap between the haves and the have not’s in this country which is apparently equal opportunity. Why does the government reward trash of all nationalities yet hard working lower class people are not given the much needed help in order to improve their situation. No instead this country rewards lazy, lying, cheating, manipulative, criminals, and drug addicts who have no intention of improving their situation by working hard and one day being able to become a contributing member of society. This does not include those who have had an unfortunate situation in which they are in need of government assistance for a determined period of time. Yet if you work hard and make money you get no help…minimum wage does not even come close to what is needed to survive in today’s society. Those who make just above the poverty level know what I am talking about when you pay your bills on time when you have a car that passes inspections and registered with proper insurance. The family who pays their rent, who wants to get education or training to better their situation. I know what this feels like my husband has only a GED; I had a high school diploma making 8 dollars an hour with a baby. No help from uncle Sam because my husband was working and we didn’t meet the standards for poverty level because he made 50 dollars a month over and we owned a car paid our bills and insurance. What no one takes into consideration is it was a smart balance of finance in order for us to make it. This is when I began to understand the welfare system was not meant to help people out of hard times. No this system is a sure way to keep those who have no intention of becoming a productive member of society, who believe that they are a kind of superior being in that they are owed, in the same situation for the rest of their lives and for generations to come. It is a brilliant plan to keep the social order in check and to make certain that lower class stays there. Why??? Well because if there is not sun there is no moon. If there is no underclass there is not upper class. There privileged way of like would cease to exist. The argument is I worked hard for my money and why should I give it to unfortunate middle and lower class Americans as if they are entitled and owed more than other. Interesting since those on welfare have the same mentality this is called illusion of grandeur and it is the most ignorant form of prejudice. When Americans wake up and look at this as fact there will be a revolution of enlightenment. The same system is set up by the upper class to keep immigrants specifically Mexican immigrants illegal. Why? Because it makes them money if immigrants did not work in areas for no insurance and under minimum wage the revenue of these huge connected companies would cease to exist and wood throw off the balance of supply and demand. The effects would be felt all over the United States and possibly the world. Middle class would be hit in the purchasing of products upper class including those with companies illegally hiring immigrants would be devastated. The propaganda of the Mexican immigrants’ stereotypical underclass criminals takes the focus away from the real criminals the American government. Educate yourselves America and stop believing what others with an agenda to further themselves state as fact. Ignorance is truly the fuel to destruction and obliteration of a society which prides itself on the promise of liberty to all.
The government will have to answer to a higher power for the inhumane things they do, as well as the bums who selfishly choose to receive help when there are those who actually need the help but get screwed over and forgotten about....In all honesty, there is corruption and greed within ALL the major parties, and as long as they go to sleep peacefully knowing they have their fancy cars and big mansions they really could care less about anyone else. The even sadder part is that it will never change. Ignorance, prejudice, racism, narcissism, manipulation, corruption.....these things will never go away because history always repeats itself.
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1560588875 | 05/07/2010 at 01:06 AM